Freedom, fun, & joy improvising with a scarf! Want to start dancing more but not sure where to start? Not sure how to move? Pick up a scarf and let it move you! Want to have a taste of dance/movement therapy to see how it can help you? Let’s meet for a free taster session!
dance therapy videos
Dance Therapy Intervention: Stand up with Confidence

Has anyone ever told you to “stand up tall” to appear more confident? While this can certainly work, there’s something bigger missing from this advice. How do you *arrive to* standing confidently? Sitting to standing is a huge transition. We suddenly have to rely on our own two feet, our core, and posture to hold […]
Dance Therapy Intervention: Bound vs. Free

Having control all the time is exhausting. Being free all the time is too unpredictable. Finding the balance between control and freedom is healthy & sustainable. Explore these polar movement qualities in your body and you’ll see how they affect you physically and emotionally. When I practiced complete control, I used up my energy […]
Dance Therapy Intervention: Space

Taking up lots of space in movement can help you feel confident about your presence and how much of you is being seen. Getting familiar with the space around your body lets you know your “personal bubble” boundaries and understand intuitively when someone else gets too close. It’s also important to know when you need […]
Dance Therapy Intervention: Shadow Dance

When you dance with your shadow, you see your silhouette projected, like a blank canvas… Making space for your subconscious to reveal its deepest fears & desires… Offering you new insight and opportunity to explore reach more acceptance with yourself. Would love to know your experience if you try this out 🙂 Here’s mine if […]
Dance Therapy Intervention: Move Like Water

Did you know you are made up of 60-70% water? You can quickly reignite your connection to your body by moving like water! Moving like water can help you connect to flow and creativity when you’re feeling stuck on a mindset block or on an emotion (i.e, guilt, shame, etc). You can explore this right […]
Enhance your Decision-Making Process with Dance Therapy

When your inner-critic tells you to stop mulling around and make a decision already… Try these 3 movements to help you find your answer. Now, this has been a sensitive subject for me, because I have been stuck. I’ve been feeling stuck on a decision for the last couple weeks. My inner critic has been […]
How to Stop Isolating using Dance/Movement Therapy [video]

Do you have a tendency to hide or isolate when things get rough? Here’s why, and how to show up with ease instead. P.S. Sorry for the strange video quality – Facebook Live was feeling strange that day.
Dance Therapy Intervention: Bound vs. Free

Having control all the time is exhausting. Being free all the time is too unpredictable. Finding the balance between control and freedom is healthy & sustainable. Explore these polar movement qualities in your body and you’ll see how they affect you physically and emotionally. When I practiced complete control, I used up my energy really […]
[NEW] Free webinar: Reconnect to your body through Dance & Movement

Want to fall in love with yourself through dance & movement? Come to my free webinar on July 24! I’ll help you solve your biggest barrier to moving with ease and show you how a deeper connection with your body significantly improves the flow of your life. We’ll even do a few movement-based activities so […]
Dance therapy exploration: move with scarf

Freedom, fun, & joy improvising with a scarf! Want to start dancing more but not sure where to start? Not sure how to move? Pick up a scarf and let it move you! Need help to find freedom & release in dance/movement? See how you can work with me!
Dance Therapy Intervention: Lead with Elbows

Do you find yourself listening more to your head than your body? Do you ever have a thought and the next minute your shoulders are all the way up to your ears? What if you allowed your body to lead you instead? What if your body talked first? Your mind could still have a say, […]
Dance Therapy Intervention: Off-balance

If you’re feeling out of balance in your life, explore what that feels like in your body through movement. When I explored this in my own body, I realized that I could have fun with it. It was almost exciting to feel out of balance and let myself fall. It was empowering to physically experience […]