Kundalini is a life force that exists inside every one of us. Mary describes what this spiritual awakening feels like and how to awaken your own Kundalini force with safety, so that you can experience immense pleasure and flow in your life.
Mary Mikhael is a modern day Goddess, Soul Reader, Ghost Whisperer, Energy Worker, Spiritual Guidance Teacher, Coach, Medical Health Counselor, Author and keeper of the Twin Flame and the Sacred Marriage. Mary lives in Melbourne and extends her teachings world wide to people from all walks of life. Mary’s sessions and meditations are so powerful, you will feel every cell in your body move to the light.
Mary’s vision is to radically shift the consciousness from a fear and control based system to an empowered, spiritually liberated and heart centered humanity. Her teachings are to assist in the evolution of human consciousness moving people from martyr to Master.
Mary Mikhael -Twin Flame Sessions Include:
• Soul Readings, Channeling & Psychic Guidance
• Meditation & Spiritual Awakening Classes
• Karma, Past Lives & Soul Contracts
• Enlightenment Studies and Teachings
• Healing’s & Chakra Alignment
• Life & Spirit Coaching/Counselling
• Twin Flame Love, Soul Mates & The Divine
Sacred Marriage
• Wild Woman Goddess Invocation & Spiritual
Warrior Initiations
• Rituals, Rites & White Magic
• Spirit & Yoga Retreats
BOOKINGS 0414905869 | www.marymikhael.com | www.twinflame.com.au
Thank you so much for bringing in this topic/interview with Mary on your platform. Sheer coincidence that I started thinking about Kundalini awakening since a couple of days recently.
I have a question – is it safe for an individual to develop the initial practice with meditation, breathing, movement meditation and then try to do it by oneself? Or is it better that we go to serious practitioner for detailed guidance?
Thank you in advance!
Keep inspiring
Hi Pallavi! I’m not an expert in Kundalini or meditation but I’m happy to share my thoughts as a dance therapist.
I would say the answer depends on the individual, his/her emotional stability, history of trauma, and other factors like how much reliable emotional support & community resources does this person have. Any kind of healing movement is likely to stir up emotions that can be really intense and a lot to handle. Sometimes too much to handle without support.
So if you’re thinking about starting your own practice with movement meditation, yoga, etc and this is very new territory to you, I advise you to do so with caution. The safest route is to start with an experienced practitioner and adjust how much support you need from there. You could always start meeting with someone once a week and then eventually it could be every other week, once a month, and then completely on your own if that’s the right path for you.
If you’re interested in taking the dance/movement therapy route and you’d like to talk about working with me, reply here or send me a message